Consider investing in the future to ensure Greater Mankato Area United Way can continue its vital work in building a better tomorrow for all.
Established through the Mankato Area Foundation, the United Way Planned Gift Fund will help Greater Mankato Area United Way continue to balance our community in the areas of basic needs, health and education. This fund provides donors the ability to make a gift that keeps giving for generations to come.
To learn more, contact:
Barb Kaus, Greater Mankato Area United Way CEO
Unlike traditional gifts made from your income, a planned gift is often made from your assets (such as investments or real estate) or as a part of your estate plan. These gifts provide an opportunity to continue your commitment to our region and support the issues that matter most to you. This is an additional way of giving besides your annual campaign gift. Give a one-time gift now, or make a future pledge.
When you include a gift as part of your overall estate and financial plans to support Greater Mankato Area United Way, you are improving lives and creating lasting change in our region. Planning a gift can be easy, and your generosity will leave a legacy of support for programs and initiatives that will continue to advance the common good for years to come.
You might consider giving through:
Appreciated Securities
Bequest in Will or Trust
Charitable Gift Annuity
Charitable Remainder Trust
Life Insurance Beneficiary
Real Estate
Retirement Plan Assets
Other Avenues
Chair: Matt Norland, Meyer & Norland Financial Group
Jo Bailey, Sign Pro
Denny Dotson, Dotson Iron Castings
Phil Slingsby, Retired
Steve Weisbecker, Lloyd Management